Gwydir Chartered Accountants

Gwydir CA is based in Bingara NSW and services clients throughout Northern NSW. We bring over 20 years of experience in public practice with a focus on rural and regional businesses.


Tax & Accounting

From Income Tax to Payroll Tax we have systems in place to keep you compliant. We stay up-to-date on all the regulatory and legislative developments, as well as participate in regular taxation training provided by respected training providers such as The Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

Planning & Forecasting

Often overlooked, planning can take away much of the worry about the future, as well as optimising building wealth over the long term.

​We can assist with business planning, succession planning as well as introductions to trusted wealth advisors to assist with specific investment advice.


We specialise in family farming and rural businesses. We understand the important issues at the core of agribusiness and can assist with:- Cashflow forecasting- Budgeting and analysis- Automation of Bookkeeping- Tax and strategic planning- Scenario analysis- Reporting at a crop or herd enterprise level- Succession planning

Bank Ready Reporting

The banking world has changed since a 2017 Senate inquiry into "Lending to Primary Production Customers"; followed by the Banking Royal Commission.

​Lending criteria has tightened and much of the onus has been put back on to lenders to provide detailed business information. Some of this information has never been required before and in some cases has never been prepared by business owners.

​We have a deep knowledge of what is now required and can take the pain out of collating this information.

Meet our team

Katana VentraIP

Simon Groth


Contact Us


36 Maitland St, Bingara NSW 2404, Australia




Operating Hours

By Appointment
